Wednesday, May 30, 2012

530 the famed Faberge eggs 沙俄復活節彩蛋珠寶設計師166歲誕辰

 Reverse Pine Cone” Faberge Inspired Egg « Ornament Designs Born Peter Carl Fabergé in 1846, he would become the most famous ... Faberge Egg. Isolated On White. Royalty Free Stock Photo, Pictures ...
Happy Birthday Peter Carl Fabergé [1846-1920]
“Peter Carl Fabergé also known as Karl Gustavovich Fabergé in Russia was a Russian jeweller, best known for the famous Fabergé eggs, made in the style of genuine Easter eggs, but using precious metals and gemstones rather than more mundane materials
今天5/30是俄國皇室復活節彩蛋珠寶設計師 Peter Carl Fabergé 166歲誕辰,Peter Carl Faberge早在1885年至1917年期間便為沙俄皇室設計復活節彩蛋,成為所有藝術品中,最令人 印象深刻的珠寶作品。Google以復活節彩蛋做為今日的Doodle!

(Peter Carl Faberge, 1846~1920)祖籍是法國,全家後來遷到俄羅斯定居了下來。在俄羅斯帝國的首都聖彼得堡,Peter Carl Faberge的父親一開始學習做一名金首飾品珠寶匠,然後到了1842年獨立店鋪正式營業。Peter Carl Faberge在4年後出生。

之後Peter Carl Faberge耳濡目染,受到環境影響,從中學習到許多珠寶的製作技巧,提升自己的技藝,成為優秀的珠寶匠,並且結合珠寶與貴重金屬,「開創了珠寶藝術的新時代」,因為到Peter Carl Faberge之前沒人認識珠寶與貴金屬的結合可以產生如此不同的藝術氣息,最著名的作品是他的團隊沙皇製作出了50枚「復活節彩蛋」!如同今天的Google Doodle一樣!

Happy Birthday Peter Carl Fabergé [1846-1920]
“Peter Carl Fabergé also known as Karl Gustavovich Fabergé in Russia was a Russian jeweller, best known for the famous Fabergé eggs, made in the style of genuine Easter eggs, but using precious metals and gemstones rather than more mundane materials. Wikipedia”

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

529 Prada 40% off

Glace Calf Tote Bag


Shiny degrade calfskin leather in a structured silhouette finished with signature Brevetto handles.
  • Double top handles, 4" drop
  • Adjustable detachable shoulder strap, 16"-19" drop
  • Protective metal feet
  • Double top-zip compartments
  • One inside zip pocket
  • One inside open pocket
  • Suede lining
  • 14½"W X 11"H X 5½"D
  • Made in Italy
...40% off at now...but ....sold out already...^0^..

fall 2011 collection

Check out Pradas Fall 2011 ad campaign Prada FW11 Adv Camp 01

Check out Pradas Fall 2011 ad campaign Prada Fall 2011

Monday, May 28, 2012



6-yrs-old niece

my 6-yrs-old niece came to visit us during the Memorial weekend....

she voluntarily helped me pull out the clothes out of the dryer and get the cheese out of the wrapper.... These, albeit small tasks to adults, took all her concentration and effort as a kid.   I see her finding ways to help and feel independent... Kelly beams as she preforms and learns new tasks.

Last night I asked Kelly to help make dinner.  She was so excited! Her enthusiasm reminded me of what it was like when I was six-years-old. 

I involved her in the entire process, starting at the grocery store. She picked out the best apples, tomatoes, bread, soup, and chips to go along with our sandwiches. I tried to persuade her to pick tomato soup, but she insisted on chicken noodle.

When we got home, the process of making a grilled cheese sandwich was exciting and fresh to her. From counting the amount of bread per person, to buttering the bread with a brush, to unwrapping the Kraft Singles--she did every thing with such care and thoughtfulness. 

The most nostalgic part of the night for me was teaching her how to unwrap the cheese.  It takes a certain amount of resistance, yet ease to get the cheese out of the wrapper. I've eaten tons of grilled cheese sandwiches in my life, but none have been better than the one assembled by Kelly. She was so proud of her meal and so was I!
2 Slices of White bread
Kraft Singles
2 tbsp Olive Oil
Set oven to Broil Setting. Brush two slices of bread with olive oil on one side. Place cheese on dry side of bread. Assemble sandwich with oil side out. Put in broiler for 30 seconds, flip, repeat. Done! 
Serve with TOMATO SOUP or chicken noodle. :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

527 虛驚

工作上第一次遭到rejection....當時好怕會連累到其他方面的工作, 所以心情忐忑, 立刻去求證相關方面的情況....還好, 這次單一rejection並沒有危及其他方面的工作程序!

昨天真的很疲累, 好像大病一場的樣子...

還是要調整工作策略! 避免重蹈覆徹...

想著memorial weekend都這樣休不得...


總之, 下個project前一定要放假!

Friday, May 25, 2012


When it comes to skincare products, 市場上有太多的選擇喇, 一直覺得選名牌子如SKII, cle de peau, La Mer...總會沒錯...但實際上只是燒錢而已...重點還是要選擇適合自己皮膚的products...^.^

What are your favs? 不妨試一試以下幾款啦!

Fresh Sugar Face Polish /  Rose Floral Water/  Fresh Sugar Lip TreatmentKiehl’s Eye Treatment/ Kiehl’s Abyssine Cream

525 What do you think?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

524 Roast Chicken with Ramps, Lemon, and Honey

Serves 4
1 4-pound organic chicken 
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 
1 1/2 tablespoons honey 
1 lemon, halved, one half sliced into 4 very thin rounds 
1 bunch fresh ramps
5 garlic cloves, peeled and smashed
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 375°.

Whisk 1/2 cup oil, lemon juice, and honey in a small bowl to blend. Using your hands and beginning at the neck end of chicken, lift skin away from breast. Slather lemon mixture under skin and all over the outside of the chicken and rub it in well.

Place 1 lemon half inside the chicken cavity. Season chicken all over with salt and pepper and arrange 4 lemon rounds on top of each chicken. Drizzle chicken with remaining a bit of extra olive oil, about a tablespoon or so.

Place chicken into a 12-inch cast iron skillet and roast, basting frequently with pan juices, for 45 minutes.

Meanwhile, prep the ramps: trim the hairy bottoms and remove the outer layer of skin. Separate the leaves from the bulbs, rinse both gently and pat dry. Cut any fat bulbs in half lengthwise. Tear the leaves into large pieces.

Take chicken out of the oven and toss ramp bulbs (not leaves) and garlic into the skillet. Stir to coat them with pan juices. Increase oven temperature to 425° and continue roasting until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the thigh registers 165° and skin is deep golden and crispy, about 10 minutes longer.

Spoon pan juices over chicken, and serve, dividing chicken pieces and ramp bulbs and leaves equally.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

522 make a statement

How gorgeous is this shower curtain?
Makes a huge statement in a plain white bathroom!

我覺得屋子裡最重要的地方並不是bedroom/living room/ kichen.. 而是bathroom..haha...去到任何一個地方, 如 restaurant , shopping mall, department等等...我也看它們的bathroom設計來判別它們的等級!


Charles Ormond Eames設計理念與精神

                         who isn’t a fan of the Eames?

Charles Ormond Eames

Charles Ormond Eames, Jr (1907–1978) and Bernice Alexandra “Ray” (née Kaiser) Eames (1912–1988) were American designers, who worked in and made major contributions to modern architecture and furniture. They also worked in the fields of industrial and graphic design, fine art and film.
Their early work focused on molded plywood, made famous by the lounge chair & ottoman, but the Eames’ went on to pioneer technologies, such as the fiberglass, plastic resin chairs and the wire mesh chairs designed for Herman Miller.
From the beginning, the Eames furniture has usually been listed as by Charles Eames. In the 1948 and 1952 Herman Miller bound catalogs, only Charles’ name is listed, but it has become clear that Ray was deeply involved and should be considered an equal partner. The Eames fabrics (many are currently available from Maharam) were mostly designed by Ray.
Charles Eames的生平:

1907出生於美國 St. Louise,而於1978年夏天逝 世於其出生地St. Louise。1924-26年於St. Louise 的華盛頓大學( Washington University)攻讀建築。1925-27年於一家建築事務所工作,之後專注於個人的工作,1937--40年間擔任 CRANBROOK ACADEMY of ART學院實驗設計系(Department of perimental Design)主任 。1941年Eames 和Saarinen贏得紐約現代藝術博物館所舉辦的家庭家俱設計競賽。同年其和Ray Kaiser結婚,之後搬到Los Angeles ,為MGM 影片公司工作。1946年與美國海軍合作開發完成木質夾層薄板的模塑椅(plywood chair ),之後並開發了一系列金屬鋼架的椅子,這些椅子均由Herman Mileer 公司大量生產並推廣。除了椅子的設計外,Eames還從事桌子、雜誌封面、展示設計及影片製作。

Charles Eames是二次大戰後期,設計界一位有創意的美國天才和勤奮的設計師,他和Eero Saarinen(1910~60)所設計立體式模板夾椅,完全摒棄布魯耶或阿爾托式的, 採取彎曲的木材和鋼鐵製造的椅子-所謂的兩面支撐式的傳統格調,開創了以現代技術為基礎的家具新領域。

Charles Eames的設計理念:

Charles Eames原來是位建築師,但他對於家具所花費的心力,卻比建築多,他關心每個小細節,如他所說:『If I feel guilty about chickening out of architecture ,Eero was guilty about not giving architecture the careful detailing I could give furniture 』,Eames 致力生產技術的研究,與材料的應用開發,他給自己的座右銘是『造型隨機能』,Eames 認為在生產技術及材料上無所障礙,設計才能盡情發揮。

對於近代家具而言,Eames 對材料、製造程序及結構間應力的掌握可





Eames 所設計的作品,總是清清楚楚的告訴人們簡明的結構及品質。





Charles Eames的作品:



決,而又完美地達成"造形"意義的例子。這也是Eames 首次應用這種



為Eames 的註冊商標,也成為大家爭相模仿的樣版。看到這種高度應





椅子 ELEPHANT - Vitra椅子 SOFTSHELL - Vitra椅子 PANTON CHAIR - Vitra椅子 VEGETAL - Vitra椅子 TIP TON - Vitra