Wednesday, April 18, 2018

less is more: Sephora mini hair dryer 小巧輕身質量佳

SEPHORA COLLECTION Mini Blast Travel Ionic Blow Dryer 5.5" x 3" x 3"

A powerful mini ionic blow dryer with dual-voltage capacity—perfect for travel. This incredibly compact, lightweight, luxury mini dryer features dual-voltage technology, so you can use it anywhere around the globe. It boasts a powerful DC motor which emits negative ions into the hair to eliminate frizz and leave hair shiny and silky-smooth. Two settings allow hair to dry in half the time, and a plug adapter enables easy powering when abroad. The dryer also includes a diffuser nozzle and features a soft-touch rubberized finish. 
今年生日收到的特別gift--Sephora Collection出品的吹風機 真的是個意外驚喜, 外型小巧玲瓏, 身輕如煙,  一定要說說它吹出風的勁力度很強而熱度算溫和。 雖然不是折疊式,但尺寸迷你、手感/觸感度極好, 色澤也是很cool的'黑中亮藍'....唯一缺點就是聲響大, 這是無法避免的, travel size $26這個實惠價真是物超所值! ^0^大力推介! 真沒想到sephora自家出品也不賴! 令人眼前一亮!

我本人曾是只對大牌產品有信心, 但因現今電子產品技術日新月異, 所以也不能一概而論!
總的來說就是不要侷限自己選擇, 也不要侷限自己的人生, 出外走走, 來旅行吧....