Friday, October 19, 2012

1019 it's a rainy day...


                   ....               懶洋洋的... ..樣子..  ....

然而, 凝望著窗外濕漉漉而車來人往的concrete road,  工作的心情又回來了!


Friday, October 5, 2012

1005 happy friday


i'm feeling especially happy and enthusiastic about life today...

i think whatever i strive for at this time will be successful, whether it's career success or creative inspiration... ^o^ since dedication and organizing talent promise imminent career advancement. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

1002 ...adorable, bright, colorful home

Images found via  Stadshem

生活最重要是甚麼? 一個安樂窩吧!
怎樣的dream home才是你真正想要的呢? 華麗堂皇? 或繽紛簡單?



Monday, October 1, 2012

I feel grateful for.....

Today, I feel grateful for what i have. I’m grateful that I have the skills to jump into action and be resourceful when I need to. A lot of this comes from experience I think, of hitting rock bottom and knowing that you can climb out of it because you’ve done it before. (當然也有例外的時候, 有幾次我遇上意外, 就有點心慌!) ^^ I’m grateful to have friends who I can meet, email or text when I need to vent (no phone calls, ha! 電話費貴嘛). I never take this for granted because I believed 做朋友是講求緣份的. They can be hard to find, so if you have them, hold on to them. 朋友易得, 知己難求!